Te Awhi O te Rito
Hapū Wānanga


Ngā Whakamarama

Service Description

This is a compact three day wānanga, for Hapū Māmā and Support Partners; that will inform, empower and give you the confidence to navigate your birthing journey.


Hapū Wānanga weaves the strands of Indigenous Māori narratives and birthing practices in childbirth today.

These are woven together with current evidence-based antenatal education in preparation for normal labour and birth; including key messages around breastfeeding and baby safety. Whānau engage in workshop components utilising natural resources to create ipu whenua, Muka pito and Kono.

Post Hapū Wānanga, Whānau are offered follow-up home visits and/or online calling to support mama and pēpi by arrangement. Furthermore, Whānau have access to Hauora and Ngā Mātua, Parenting Support programs and wrap-around services.

Mā wai ēnei mahi? Can anyone use this service?

• Expectant parents
• Hapū
• Whangai parents