Nāku Ēnei Tamariki - About Us



All pēpi and tamariki in Te Awakairangi are nurtured in all aspects of their wellbeing and development to realise their unique potential within their whānau and community.


  • 1992The Hutt Hospital established a working party

    The Hutt Hospital established a working party to determine the needs for an organisation to work with at risk mothers and their babies
  • 1993Nāku Ēnei Tamariki

    Nāku Ēnei Tamariki became an Incorporated Society
  • 1994NET entered into a small ongoing contract with CFA

    NET entered into a small ongoing contract with CFA,the Funding arm of child, and Youth and Family
  • 1995Naku Enei Tamariki was approved as a Community Service

    Naku Enei Tamariki was approved as a Community Service under section 403, Children and young persons and their families act 1989
  • 1996NET was invited by Central RHA (CRHA) to submit a proposal

    NET was invited by Central RHA (CRHA) to submit a proposal reflecting the needs of Māori, Pacific Islands,and Pakeha Cultural units. This was supported by SCAN, Te Awakairangi and the Crime Prevention Unit (CPU)
  • 1999The three sections of NET tendered for the Family/Whanau care

    The three sections of NET tendered for the Family/Whanau care and support (Well child services) contract
  • 2001/2002NET successfully tendered for the parents as First Teachers programme

    NET successfully tendered for the parents as First Teachers programme. By 2002 NET employed 16 staff.
  • 2005In partnership with Kokiri Marae

    In partnership with Kokiri Marae, NET successfully tendered for the Family Start contract and our staff again increased