Incredible Years
Parenting Programme


Ngā Whakamarama

Service Description

Incredible Years is a free, group based Parenting Programme designed to strengthen parenting skills with a focus on dealing with challenging behaviour for tamariki aged between 3 to 8 years, this programme is delivered to whānau living in the Hutt Valley area.


This programme covers:

• Child Self Directed Play
• Promotion of Positive Relationships
• Academic and Persistence Coaching
• Social and Emotion Coaching
• Effective Praise and Encouragement and a number of other topics

Mā wai ēnei mahi? Can anyone use this service?

• Whānau with children aged between 3 and 8 years
• Whānau from low socio economic backgrounds
• Whānau living in the Upper and Lower Hutt area/s


“Tohea I te tohe ki te kai”
“Keep on striving as one strives for food”